Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The real cost of food

Great post by Bittman today in the NYT about the pay structure and (lack of) benefits for restaurant workers ( find the article here:  The 20 Million).  Of all the many ways in which we don't cover the true cost of our food, this one often goes overlooked.  Especially poignant now that so many Americans eat out, far more than ever have previously.  I also can't help but think about it in light of the direction the American economy is headed:  more service oriented economy, a greater divide between the haves and have nots.  I think in some ways, these two things become a bit of a vicious where many are stuck in jobs with no advancement, no benefits, and, unfortunately, no alternative.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Yes, I am "Mom" enough

I have more to say on this topic and have been composing a post on breastfeeding for a few days,  but have been unable to edit it down to a manageable and coherent piece.  That being said, I am tired of feeling like the decision to breastfeed or not (or for how long or how and when and where you do it) says something about your mothering abilities or how much you love your child.

Let me be perfectly clear:  Breastfeeding does NOT make you a better mother than anyone else, and NOT doing so does not make you a worse mother.

It's not a contest.  Breastfeeding is great for your child, but if you cannot, will not, don't want to do it....that's your decision and no one else's to judge.

Despite what the cover of TIME magazine would like you to think.