Monday, March 15, 2010

Caring about the Why

This morning, I was reading the article about the host of issues confronting the nation's sewer and water supplies (Toxic Waters- Saving the U.S. Water and Sewer Systems Would Be Costly) and it got me thinking. There are a lot of services that people want- and rightly believe- the government should provide (clean water, an education, public transportation, etc). But people balk at any increase in paying more than they already are. I worry that we're pushing off paying for needed repairs and maintenance onto the next generation. In the States, you get to have a say, but you also have to pay. You can't have better services without paying for them. When one of the residents, as quoted in the NYT article linked above, said that he didn't care WHY the water wasn't working, it fills me with a sense of defeat.

We should care why. We should care about the why of everything. Better solutions, a better tomorrow, all of this is built on the answers to the who/what/when/why/how of now.

(And yes. It's probably going to cost something.)

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