Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Birthday Post

I can't come up with an adequate introduction to this video from the TED conference. Just go watch and see for yourself!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A lot of talk about food in the NYT today

Check it out....

An editorial on antibiotic use in livestock.

The first paragraph of Thomas Friedman's op-ed highlights the way we're viewed by other countries.

More updates on the egg recall.

And more on the debate between sugar and HFCS (bottom line: no evidence they're significantly different...sugar is sugar and we need to eat A LOT less of it).

It's nice to see food politics taking center stage.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

If PopTarts didn't exist.....

what would you eat instead? That's the question that a brand manager for PopTarts claims that most consumers struggle to answer.

Let me help you out with this one: fruit and granola. Or some oatmeal with fruit? Or how about whole wheat toast with some delicious jam even?

Check out the report on CNN.

I'm off to go bemoan the state of the American diet.

My report on the recs for the 2010 DGs is coming. There are some interesting updates....